Colombian, Peruvian and Costa Rican Women in
Interview With Three Beautiful Single Colombian Women | |||
Being Enticed Just Right By The Women Of Cartagena Colombia | |
Miss Colombia - The Interview | |
Miss Colombia - The Pageant | |
Miss Colombia Pageant Bikini Contest. WHEW! Its getting warm in here... | |
WARNING! Bikini Photo Shoot In Peru! |
Cartagena Bikini Day | |
Miss Colombia Pageant and Tour Highlights | |
A Hot Time in Barranquilla Colombia | |||
The Most Beautiful Women In Peru | |
Unforgettable Peru New Years Tour | |
Miss Colombia 2010 Bikini Event | |
Beautiful City, Beaches, and Beautiful Women | |
More Miss Colombia Tour Information | |
Barranquilla, Colombia Singles Vacation Tour Highlights | |
Video: Singles Vacation Adventure in Barranquilla Colombia | |
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May, 2010
Paradise in Barranquilla
Here is some highlight video of our recent singles tour to Barranquilla, Colombia. This tour video walks you through our Barranquilla singles vacation tour experience from arrival at the hotel, to the socials and fun at the beach. Even a surprise announcement from a past tour client at one of the socials whose wife to be just recieved her visa and is expecting....? If you want to also enjoy a discussion about this video you should also watch our archived LIVE show from May 6th, 2010 (CLICK HERE)! |
Video: Singles Vacation Tour in Medellin Colombia | |
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May, 2010
The Medellin Singles Tour Experience is Clearly Special
There is something special about Medellin that clients love. And it's not just the stunningly, beautiful single women they meet in the hundreds. This video walks you through our April, 2010 singles vacation tour to this beautiful city. You'll also hear some comments from our office manager in Medellin, Vanessa. For more of this video - including comments from a client who participated in this very tour, be sure to also view our archived LIVE show from May 6th, 2010 (CLICK HERE) for some excellent insight of what YOU WILL EXPERIENCE! |
Show #026: Singles Vacation Tour Highlights of Medellin & Barranquilla Colombia | |
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May 2010
Recorded from Live Show: May 6th, 2010
Host John Adams along with AFA office managers from Medellin and Barranquilla Colombia review the highlights of our recent singles vacation tour to those cities in April. Also joining in on the conversation were some clients who were on those tours and some prospective clients considering the vacation adventure. As always, lots of great actual video from those tours! You can also view some of the video highlight segemts of this singles vacation adventure HERE. |
Video: Peru New Years Eve Tour 2009 - 2010 | |
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January, 2010
An Unbelievable Celebration with Stunning, Single Peruvian Women
No one celebrates New Years Eve like beautiful Peruvian women. Knowing this, we make it a tradition to schedule a New Years Eve tour to Lima annually. In this video you will see why. A group of great guys traveling to celebrate the new year in a fantastic country with hundreds of beautiful, single, Peruvian women and having the adventure of their lifetime. Hmmmm.... You were doing what while this video was taken? |
Recorded from Live Show: January 7th, 2010
Host John Adams does a review of the recently completed New Years Eve tours to Lima, Peru and the Philippines. Plus you here from several clients who attended the December, 2009 Ukraine tour. On the phone John will also have the office managers from Odessa, Ukriane and Davao, Phillipines as well as some of the clients who participated in these tours. You'll also be viewing some GREAT VIDEO fresh from these tours! We hate to say "we told you so", but we expect you are going to cringe when you see what you missed!
Video: Lima Peru October 2009 Singles Social | |
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November, 2009
A Client Dsecribes How He Was "Stunned"...
In Peru the women are very affectionate and attentive, for sure. And they love to dance and have fun. This is a highlight video from our October, 2009 tour that you won't want to miss. As you watch you will listen to one of our clients who attended this tour describes his experience. |
Show #012: Lima Peru Singles Tour Highlights from October '09 | |
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November 2009
Recorded from Live Show: November 19th, 2009
John Adams and fellow AFA Co-Founder Ron Redburn discuss the recent singles tour to Lima, Peru in October. Joining them on the phone is the entire staff of the AFA Lima office. In this live show there's lots of great highlight video and comments from several of the men who participated in this tour. Upcoming Lima Tours HERE |
Show #005: Latin Singles Tour Experience in Colombia, Peru and Costa Rica | |
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September 2009
Recorded from Live Show: September 17th, 2009
Host John Adams discusses the AFA Latin singles vacation experience for clients in the Latin American Countries of Colombia, Peru and Costa Rica. He visits with the AFA office managers from Cartagena, Medellin, Barranquilla, Lima and San Jose, Costa Rica giving you great insight into what your experience will be like during your exciting singles adventure. |
Also view more than a decade of Archived Tour Photos HERE
Photos: Medellin Singles Vacation Tour April 2010 | |
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July, 2010
The Beautiful Women Of Medellin, Colombia Want To Meet YOU!
This set of photos you can enjoy from our exciting singles vacation tour to Medellin, Colombia in April, 2010. |
Photos: Barranquilla, Colombia Singles Tour April 2010 | |
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July, 2010
First 2 Pictures Are Of A Previous Tour Client Announcing His Engagement With His Wife To Be - AND She's Expecting Their First Child!
Beautiful city. Beautiful women. EVERYWHERE! Browse the photos of our recent singles vacation tour to Barranquilla, Colombia. |
Photos: Medellin, Colombia Singles Tour February, 2010 | |
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July, 2010
Another fantastic tour in the heart of beautiful Colombia!
Enjoy this set of photos from our Medellin, Colombia singles tour in February, 2010. |
Photos: Lima, Peru Singles Vacation Tour December 2009 | |
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July, 2010
Where were YOU New Years Eve? With hundread of beautiful, single women?
A great collection of photos from our singles vacation tour to beautiful Lima, Peru in December of 2009 |
Als Antwort auf eine Anfrage des US-Kongresses vor einigen Jahren hat die U.S. Das Justizministerium hat einen Bericht zu Einwanderungs- und internationalen Eheproblemen herausgegeben, in dem es hieß, "es scheint", dass Ehen zwischen US-Bürgern und Ausländern "in der Regel länger dauern würden" als bei inländischen Ehen insgesamt. Dies ist eine subtile Art zu sagen, dass die Daten widerspiegeln, dass Ehen zwischen Menschen aus verschiedenen Ländern und Kulturen in den Vereinigten Staaten im Allgemeinen langfristig erfolgreicher sind. Dafür kann es zahlreiche Gründe geben – wenn diese Forschung auf hohem Niveau stimmt.
Durch unsere Erfahrung haben wir festgestellt, dass Singles, die es ernst meinen, einen Lebensgefährten zu finden, oft nach Werten und Einstellungen suchen, die sie ihrer Meinung nach zu Hause nicht finden können. Sie sind frustriert über die Möglichkeiten und Optionen, die ihnen in ihrer unmittelbaren Region zur Verfügung stehen. Trotz der offensichtlichen Herausforderungen erkennen sie, dass sie ihren romantischen Horizont erweitern können (und wahrscheinlich sollten), um die Welt nach dieser EINEN besonderen Person zu durchsuchen, die perfekt für sie ist … für immer.
Dauerhafte Liebe ist möglich. Die Chemie und Verbindung, die Sie suchen, IST ohne Kompromisse möglich. Egal, was Sie mit sich selbst diskutieren, jetzt ist es an der Zeit, zumindest Ihre Gelegenheit zu erkunden. Die Aussage, die wir am häufigsten von Kunden hören, die unsere Dienstleistungen in Anspruch genommen haben, lautet: „Warum habe ich das nicht schon vor Jahren getan?“
Wenn jetzt nicht der richtige Zeitpunkt ist - wann wird der richtige Zeitpunkt sein? Warum sollten Sie möglicherweise Jahre Ihres Lebens verschwenden, weil Sie sich davon abgeraten haben, Ihre Gelegenheit jetzt zu untersuchen, weil es noch nicht der richtige Zeitpunkt ist - oder Sie stehen dem internationalen Matchmaking-Prozess skeptisch gegenüber, ohne ihn zumindest zu erkunden. Es ist der richtige Zeitpunkt. Sie werden angenehm überrascht sein, wie einfach, abenteuerlich und erschwinglich der Prozess sein kann. In diesem Moment haben Sie absolut nichts zu verlieren.