Interracial Dating Issues

For more information on Interracial Dating Also Watch This Video:

Show #042: Ethnic Diversity in International Dating - Interacial and Cultural Challenges and Opportunities

Hundreds of ethnically diverse men are finding success through A Foreign Affair. In this show host John Adams discusses the opportunities and any challenges ethnically diverse men may face while seeking a foreign bride. You will find out how the foreign women themselves feel about this and hear from men who have experienced this first hand and had success. Watch a LIVE video feed from one of our foreign offices. Listen to what several of the women have to say about this topic.

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From time to time we are asked if interracial dating is an issue/problem in countries such as Russia, Ukraine, Colombia, etc.. The general answer to that question is no. We work with a diverse group of men and women and have not experienced problems relating to interracial dating. For example, we recently conducted a tour to Odessa, Ukraine and had, as usual, a diverse group of men. The majority were Caucasian, but we also had Hispanics, Asians, and African Americans. The women at the socials were much more interested in what the men were like, the way they acted, what they said, and who they were, than simply the color of their skin.

It is true that Russia and Ukraine in general have had very little experience dealing with other races such as Hispanics and African Americans. They are somewhat naive and ignorant of the race relations issue, especially interracial dating issues, that we here in the United States have struggled with for years. I have noticed over the years that the majority of the women treat these men just like they would Caucasian men. As a matter of fact, if anything an African American man in Russia or the Ukraine may even have a slight advantage due to his race because many of the women have not had much interaction with African Americans and find it very interesting to simply converse with them. There are some women who prefer not to date men outside of their race and if that is what they prefer that is fine, it is certainly their prerogative. However, I have noticed that even those women are polite and have never shown any disrespect whatsoever to anyone, regardless of race.

We see quite a bit of interracial dating and interracial marriages with our Latin and Asian tours. Again, like Russia and Ukraine there really has been no problem, the couples seem to do just fine and the race issue really seems to be a non-issue.

I for one can say that I have been honored to work over the years with the high caliber of men and women who avail themselves of our services. You have to have somewhat of a different or progressive, mindset to be so intent on finding the right person with whom to spend the rest of your life, regardless of race, religion, or geographic location, that you will search the world over and not just settle for the person next door. It has been an extremely rewarding career for me thus far, and I look forward to the future and helping others find their perfect match.

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Dauerhafte Liebe ist möglich. Die Chemie und Verbindung, die Sie suchen, IST ohne Kompromisse möglich. Egal, was Sie mit sich selbst diskutieren, jetzt ist es an der Zeit, zumindest Ihre Gelegenheit zu erkunden. Die Aussage, die wir am häufigsten von Kunden hören, die unsere Dienstleistungen in Anspruch genommen haben, lautet: „Warum habe ich das nicht schon vor Jahren getan?“

Wenn jetzt nicht der richtige Zeitpunkt ist - wann wird der richtige Zeitpunkt sein? Warum sollten Sie möglicherweise Jahre Ihres Lebens verschwenden, weil Sie sich davon abgeraten haben, Ihre Gelegenheit jetzt zu untersuchen, weil es noch nicht der richtige Zeitpunkt ist - oder Sie stehen dem internationalen Matchmaking-Prozess skeptisch gegenüber, ohne ihn zumindest zu erkunden. Es ist der richtige Zeitpunkt. Sie werden angenehm überrascht sein, wie einfach, abenteuerlich und erschwinglich der Prozess sein kann. In diesem Moment haben Sie absolut nichts zu verlieren.