Express Mail FAQ's

We highly reccommend that you review this FAQ section prior to using our Express Mail service. You may finad additional information on this service and others within our Terms & Conditions of use. If you have any questions after reviewing this and any other related information on our website please contact us.

Do I have to write letters?
No, to be successful you do not have to write letters, or engage in correspondence or chat. We believe the most effective technique is to go on a group tour and actually meet the women in person where you have the possibility to meet a wide range of women in a short period of time. Writing letters can be effective if done in moderation.

How can I increase my response rate?
One of the best things you can do is to be committed to going over and share concrete dates and times of your trip with the women in your correspondence. Think about this, women may receive many letters from men, clearly understanding that a large majority of these men may have no intention whatsoever of actually taking the next step and meeting them. Additionally, women like to know that you are interested in them, ask as many questions as you can about her, instead of going on too much about yourself.

What is an introductory letter?
An Intro letter may be sent to you directly by the woman or by the office staff based on your profile matching some of her parameters, however, it is entirely up to the discretion of the office as far as what is considered a possible match, it is possible that some intro letters may not be a good match. Keep in mind that this is just an intro letter as a show of possible interest and the office matchmakers can and normally will send it to multiple men. Blue letter(s), since they are only intro letters, are only $5.95 to open regardless of your membership status. If you wish not to receive initial/intro letters, you may opt out (see "MY INFO"), and simply initiate any correspondence yourself. We believe that you may be more successful if you choose the women you are interested in and write directly first instead of relying on intro letters as a guide, as many women are flattered to receive an initial letter of interest from the man.

How serious is the woman about me if I receive an Introduction letter?
It depends. In the best case it is only an initial introduction letter either sent at the request of the woman, or sent by the staff, and is normally sent to multiple men. It is difficult to tell how serious anyone is until you meet, regardless of how much correspondence. We strongly suggest that you take the time to view her profile and determine if this is someone that you would send an initial letter to, if so then it may be worth the time exploring. Please keep in mind, a serious relationship (love) requires a special chemistry between the two people. There is no way to truly measure any potential chemistry without meeting in person.

How serious is the woman about me if I receive an Introduction letter?
It depends. In the best case it is only an initial introduction letter either sent at the request of the woman, or sent by the staff, and is normally sent to multiple men. It is difficult to tell how serious anyone is until you meet, regardless of how much correspondence. We strongly suggest that you take the time to view her profile and determine if this is someone that you would send an initial letter to, if so then it may be worth the time exploring. Please keep in mind, a serious relationship (love) requires a special chemistry between the two people. There is no way to truly measure any potential chemistry without meeting in person.

What is more effective: responding to Intro letters or writing to the women I think I am interested in first?
Originally, the only way to start correspondence was for the man to initiate contact. Although we received a lot of requests to allow the women to initiate correspondence from both the men and the women, we still feel the most effective method is for the man to initiate the correspondence himself. We feel that when a man does that the woman feels special; he selected her, and may increase the response rate.

Can I turn off the Introduction letters and just write to women I choose?
Yes. You can turn off the option to receive introduction letters within your member's area.

What about correspondence, does she always come into the office to read my letter?
In some cases she may come to the office to read and respond to your letter. Often our local staff will contact her by phone or some other method in order to arrange for her to get your letter, and even dictate it over the phone, and, hopefully, send you her reply, again which may be dictated over the phone and then translated.

If she has an E-mail address or some other contact information can I ask for it via Express mail?
The International Marriage Broker Regulation Act (IMBRA) requires that, among other things, prior to meeting or exchanging any contact information that she receive the translated version of your IMBRA form and sign it. We then are responsible for holding the form in the event that, at some time in the future, you decide to move forward with a fiancee visa. The USCIS requires a copy of this form in order to process the visa, without the IMBRA form being executed properly the fiancee or spousal visa will be denied.

Some women are willing to sign the form in advance of meeting and some would rather wait until they meet. Many of the women use a Premium Dating site such as this because it gives them, and you, much more support than most other dating sites, and it is much safer for the women to interact with foreign men they are meeting with for the first time, and also provides translation support if needed. There have been many cases where the women release their personal contact information directly, including their phone number, E-mail etc, only to have unwanted repeated contacts (and other unwanted interactions) to the point that they have to ultimately change all their contact information and even delete their profile from the service because of the negative experience. This is less apt to happen if she has the opportunity to meet prior to disclosing personal contact information to be sure there truly is a positive chemistry. Because this is a legal document which we are responsible for if it is ever needed, there is a nominal charge for processing and storing the IMBRA form. That charge is waived in the case of all in person meetings both individual and group tours. In the event that she does sign your IMBRA form and exchange contact information in advance of a meeting, she may still desire to use the service for translation purposes, or for support from the local office. For more information about this please feel free to contact customer service at 602-553-8178

If you need additional information please contact us.

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Langfristige Beziehungen, die halten

Als Antwort auf eine Anfrage des US-Kongresses vor einigen Jahren hat die U.S. Das Justizministerium hat einen Bericht zu Einwanderungs- und internationalen Eheproblemen herausgegeben, in dem es hieß, "es scheint", dass Ehen zwischen US-Bürgern und Ausländern "in der Regel länger dauern würden" als bei inländischen Ehen insgesamt. Dies ist eine subtile Art zu sagen, dass die Daten widerspiegeln, dass Ehen zwischen Menschen aus verschiedenen Ländern und Kulturen in den Vereinigten Staaten im Allgemeinen langfristig erfolgreicher sind. Dafür kann es zahlreiche Gründe geben – wenn diese Forschung auf hohem Niveau stimmt.

Durch unsere Erfahrung haben wir festgestellt, dass Singles, die es ernst meinen, einen Lebensgefährten zu finden, oft nach Werten und Einstellungen suchen, die sie ihrer Meinung nach zu Hause nicht finden können. Sie sind frustriert über die Möglichkeiten und Optionen, die ihnen in ihrer unmittelbaren Region zur Verfügung stehen. Trotz der offensichtlichen Herausforderungen erkennen sie, dass sie ihren romantischen Horizont erweitern können (und wahrscheinlich sollten), um die Welt nach dieser EINEN besonderen Person zu durchsuchen, die perfekt für sie ist … für immer.

Dauerhafte Liebe ist möglich. Die Chemie und Verbindung, die Sie suchen, IST ohne Kompromisse möglich. Egal, was Sie mit sich selbst diskutieren, jetzt ist es an der Zeit, zumindest Ihre Gelegenheit zu erkunden. Die Aussage, die wir am häufigsten von Kunden hören, die unsere Dienstleistungen in Anspruch genommen haben, lautet: „Warum habe ich das nicht schon vor Jahren getan?“

Wenn jetzt nicht der richtige Zeitpunkt ist - wann wird der richtige Zeitpunkt sein? Warum sollten Sie möglicherweise Jahre Ihres Lebens verschwenden, weil Sie sich davon abgeraten haben, Ihre Gelegenheit jetzt zu untersuchen, weil es noch nicht der richtige Zeitpunkt ist - oder Sie stehen dem internationalen Matchmaking-Prozess skeptisch gegenüber, ohne ihn zumindest zu erkunden. Es ist der richtige Zeitpunkt. Sie werden angenehm überrascht sein, wie einfach, abenteuerlich und erschwinglich der Prozess sein kann. In diesem Moment haben Sie absolut nichts zu verlieren.